- 코딩놀이! Day 4 -4: Geometric Distribution II (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) using C# 2018.11.08
- 코딩놀이! Day 4 -3: Geometric Distribution I (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) using C# 2018.11.08
- HackerRank 소개 :: (금,은,동) 메달 노예 되기 2018.11.08
- 코딩놀이! Day 4 -2: Binomial Distribution II (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) using C# 2018.11.08
- 코딩놀이! Day 4-1: Binomial Distribution I (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) using C# 2018.11.06
- 코딩놀이! Day 3-3: Drawing Marbles (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) 2018.11.05
- 코딩놀이! Day 3-2: Cards of the Same Suit (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) 2018.11.05
- 코딩놀이! Day 3-1: Conditional Probability (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) 2018.11.05
- 코딩놀이! Day 2-3: Compound Event Probability (10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) 2018.11.03
- 코딩놀이! Day 2-2: More Dice(10 Days of Statistics - HackerRank ) 2018.11.03